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HomeHealthHow to Cover a Hickey Quick and Easy Tips for Removal

How to Cover a Hickey Quick and Easy Tips for Removal

A hickey, also known as a love bite or kiss mark, is a mark left on the skin after intense kissing or sucking. While hickeys can be a source of pride for some, they can be a source of embarrassment for others. If you need to cover a hickey quickly, there are several easy and effective methods to help you get rid of it in seconds. One popular remedy is to use toothpaste. This simple home remedy is said to help reduce the redness and size of a hickey in a matter of minutes. Read on to learn more about how to cover a hickey with toothpaste, as well as other quick and easy tips for removal.

What Causes Hickeys?

cover a hickey
cover a hickey

Many different causes can lead to hickeys. The most common way of getting a hickey is through intense kissing, especially if the person wearing the mark has a low immune system. Another common cause of hickeys is sucking on the skin with too much suction, which can happen during oral sex. Hickeys can also occur from engaging in rough foreplay that includes scratching or biting. While hickeys are pretty common, especially among adolescents, they can be embarrassing for some people. Hickeys can range in color from red to blue or purple, and some can even be black. While hickeys are unsightly and may last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks, they are usually harmless.

How to Cover a Hickey with Toothpaste

This is one of the easiest and most effective methods to cover a hickey. To begin, begin by cleaning the affected area of your skin to remove any dirt or debris, which can make the hickey stand out even more. Next, gently rub a small amount of toothpaste on the affected area. Make sure that you use non-gel toothpaste, as the gel can be more difficult to remove.

cover a hickey
cover a hickey

Finally, rinse the area with warm water, pat it dry with a clean towel, and apply a small concealer or foundation. The redness and size of the hickey should be reduced in just a few minutes. While toothpaste is a great home remedy for hickey cover-ups, it is important to remember that it may stain your clothing or other fabrics.

Other Quick and Easy Tips for Hickey Removal

Several other quick and easy tips can help reduce the redness and size of a hickey. If you are experiencing mild itching and irritation, you can try applying an ice cube or a bag of frozen vegetables to the affected area. Another quick and easy way to reduce the redness of a hickey is to use a small amount of aloe Vera or coconut oil.

You can also try dabbing the area with witch hazel or green tea, which can help reduce redness. You can also try covering the hickey with makeup, especially if the hickey is on the face. While makeup is a great way to cover a hickey, be sure to apply a light amount so it does not become noticeable.

How to Prevent Hickeys

If you want to avoid getting hickeys in the first place, there are a few simple things that you can do. First, avoid engaging in heavy and intense kissing while in public. If you are engaging in heavy kissing, keep your mouth closed during the public display of affection. If you are giving or receiving oral sex, try to do so in a more private setting.

cover a hickey
cover a hickey

Finally, you can try using a hickey collar, which is a collar designed to prevent hickeys by covering the skin while you are kissing or engaging in oral sex. A hickey collar can be as simple as a collar or scarf or as elaborate as a mask. Regardless, a hickey collar is a great way to prevent hickeys while still enjoying passionate kissing.


While hickeys are fairly common and are not harmful, they can be embarrassing for some people. Luckily, several quick and easy tips can help reduce the redness and size of a hickey. You can use toothpaste, aloe Vera or coconut oil, witch hazel or green tea, or makeup to cover a hickey. You can also try to prevent hickeys by avoiding heavy and intense kissing in public, or using a hickey collar when you are kissing or engaging in oral sex.



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